Staying Healthy Throughout
Childhood & Adolescence

According to the CDC, obesity now affects 1 in 5 children and adolescents in the United States.

Childhood obesity is a complex disease that occurs when a child is above his or her healthy weight determined by age and height. It is caused by behaviors and genetics, just like adults. It can be due to taking in too many high calorie, low nutrient foods and beverages, poor sleep routines and taking medications that may cause weight gain. In addition, decreased physical activity and increased screen time can also lead to increased weight gain. If you think your child is overweight because of a medical condition, consult your child’s physician who can perform tests to check.

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Significant weight gain during childhood & adolescence can lead to:

-high blood pressure and cholesterol

-increased insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

-breathing problems, such as asthma and sleep apnea

-joint pain

-fatty liver disease, gallstones and heartburn

-increased risk of anxiety and depression

-low self esteem

-social problems such as bullying and stigma

Helping Kids Live Healthier

We take a personalized approach for children ages 3 to 18 who are at an unhealthy weight or at risk of childhood obesity and its related conditions. Our pediatric weight management team works together with your family to help your child make healthy lifestyle choices and changes. We give you the tools you need to give your child the best lifestyle and nutritional options.

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Who qualifies?

Any child or adolescent and their family:

-whose BMI is above the 85% for age and sex

- whose pediatrician is requesting a consultation

-struggling with hunger, cravings or night eating

-trying to figure out how to feed the entire family and their different needs

-who has a medical condition as a result of their weight


Healthy Weight Programs for Kids and Teens

Though compassionate counseling, we help your child or teen focus on setting goals and targeting behaviors they can change. Our program has been highly effective in helping kids and families develop healthy habits and maintain weight loss over time. Families participate in a series of visits combined with continued efforts at home, through “homework” the care team and your family agree upon together.

We offer a variety of services, including:

  • behavior-based goal setting - helps set realistic goals to stay motivated

  • coordinated care with surgeons to provide weight loss (bariatric) surgery for teens who qualify -those who are 100 or more pounds over their ideal body weight, have tried but failed to lose weight, and face serious medical problems

  • exercise evaluation - assesses your child’s activity level and offers recommendations for everyday movement

  • help to create, track and keep following healthy habits - for eating, activity, sleep and mental health

  • mental health evaluation and counseling - addresses issues such as depression, anxiety, poor self-esteem, parenting and family concerns

  • nutritional counseling and education - looks at what and how your child eats, and offers recommendations for better options

  • understanding meal portions - appropriate for your child’s age and the specific nutritional needs for your child’s growth and development

Medical Weight Management Program

Children with a variety of conditions and disorders can benefit from a nutritional assessment and counseling with our Pediatric Weight Management Program. Our registered dietitians can identify underlying medical conditions, medications, or habits that may be affecting your child's health and development and help your family establish new sustainable lifestyle habits. Visits focus on the individual family, the importance of healthy lifestyle choices and fun physical activities.

  • This program is for children up to age 18 whose weight is too high or has obesity.

Bariatric Surgery Program

When an adolescent hasn’t found success with other methods of weight loss, doctors may recommend an evaluation for weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery. This surgical technique changes the digestive tract, including the size of the stomach, so patients feel full sooner and eat less.

When combined with lifestyle changes, bariatric surgery can help adolescents reach a healthier weight, improve self-esteem and reduce the likelihood of other chronic diseases. The program includes individual visits with access to our team of bariatric specialists. Our surgeons offer the latest in minimally invasive techniques including robotic surgery to ensure a safer and faster recovery for your child.

  • This program is for teens over the age of 14 who who have very high weight or obesity with a BMI over 35, have serious health conditions and a demonstrated willingness to make lifestyle changes may be candidates for bariatric surgery.


Why Choose Winchester Weight Management?

Quality Care From An Expert Team

  • Coordinated appointments. We strive to help families receive the many services we offer in a way that’s helpful and convenient.

  • Well-rounded team of experts. Depending on your child’s needs, your care team may include pediatric weight management doctors, board-certified surgeons, registered dietitians, exercise specialists, health coaches, mental health counselors and/or child psychologists.

  • A passionate and dedicated team whose goal is to promote children’s wellness. Our program reaches beyond our walls and into our communities to show our children the importance of healthy eating and exercise.

At Winchester Weight Management Center we offer a multidisciplinary approach for childhood obesity.

To learn more about our pediatric weight loss programs or to schedule a consultation for your child, please call us at 781-756-6760. You may also complete our online request form >